Join Me in Celebrating the Season
Although our methods of remembering the December holidays have evolved beyond the traditional Christmas tree, the hopes and dreams we share still ring true. May you, your family and your loved ones enjoy a holiday filled with togetherness, peace and celebrations.

How To Film Oscar-Winning Video Testimonials Positive client testimonials are vital for prospecting and overall relationship building. They're your Unique Selling Point, aka USP. Since YouTube is important to your prospect marketing, posting one or more testimonial videos is well-worth the effort.

If you haven't yet posted a video testimonial, here are some tips and strategies for you.

If you solved a knotty problem for a client, or if you think a client's personality is ideal for video, put them first in line for video testimonials.

Get your clients' honest responses. When clients agree to a videotaped testimonial, be sure to give them a few days to think about what made their experience positive. It's fine to give them a couple of questions to think about leading up to the day you shoot the video.

Keep the video short. Videos get more views and are more likely to be watched to the end if they're under three minutes.

Edit your video to keep the timing and visual interest high. Cut out any downtime or pauses. Keep the story moving. Multiple cuts will add dynamism to your video.

Always include a call to action within the video itself and in the YouTube description. Include your contact information, your location, hashtags, and a direct phone number.2

Home Buyers Finally Step Up to the Plate

Even though winter is a traditionally slow month for real estate sales, more buyers put on their thermals (or sunscreen, depending on location) and began shopping for their next home. During November 2023:

Potential existing-home sales increased to a 5.30 million seasonally adjusted annualized rate (SAAR), a 1.3% month-over-month increase.

This added up to a 52.1% increase from the market's low point reached 30 years ago, during February 1993.

While the market potential for existing home sales only rose 1.5% year over year, it's seen as a move in the right direction, especially if mortgage interest rates continue to fall in 2024.2

Did 2023 Cause Self-Doubt?
Visit any online real estate forum or community, and you'll find plenty of conversation threads discussing this year's challenges. While some agents' 2023 has been business as usual, others found the going rough, especially those new to the business.

If the last months have left you worrying about your talents and skills, it's time to stop doubting yourself. Here are some ways to keep yourself on track for a positive 2024.

Put boundaries on your negative thoughts. Ask yourself why you're struggling with a particular listing or client. Make notes of possible fixes, then put these on the back burner and return to your daily strategy.

Don't desert your routine. Keeping a daily routine helps stop procrastination and anxiety, two unfortunate byproducts of self-doubt.

Practice mindfulness. Learning some basic meditation or relaxation techniques will help you vanquish self-doubt. They're also helpful when you're up against deadlines or managing other potentially stressful agent tasks.

Don't forget to take regular breaks and enjoy life. Wherever you are in your career, you need to take some time off, even if it's just a long walk at lunchtime or a quick trip to the library or your favorite cafe.3

TikTok Trends For 2024Recent research has defined TikTok's Trend Signals for 2024: three patterns that you can leverage for increasing your follower numbers and creating new content.

Curiosity Peaked. Many TikTok users like to learn new things when checking out their favorite accounts. This is an area where I can assist you. For example, if you want to post about down payment assistance or renovation loans for your fixer-upper listings, contact me for help with creating some "Wow. I didn't know that!" TikTok videos.

Storytelling Unhinged. If you've found it difficult to embrace the storytelling aspect of marketing, relax. TikTok users enjoy posts that incorporate fact and fiction. So, if you've ever wanted to post a photo of an eccentric home, think of an intriguing narrative to lead visitors from the photo to your real-time listings.

Closing the Trust Gap. More consumers are choosing to engage with brands that promote the value of lasting relationships. Real estate is particularly suited for this, considering the relative expense of a home purchase and the frequent need for future assistance. TikTok provides you with an open line of communication with these people.

Whether you decide to incorporate one or more of these Trend Signals into your future TikTok posts, this 2022-2023 data makes it well-worth your time and effort: after seeing an ad on TikTok, viewers trusted the brand 41% more, while 31% stated that they were more likely to be loyal to the brand.4
